
Case Study 1

About Client:
A major global biotechnology organisation

Our Task Was:
The development and implementation of supply chain and site level business continuity management. A key component of this project was the embedding of business continuity as a management process and as part of operations and supply considerations at all stages.

What We’ve Done:
We developed an organisation-specific supply chain risk management and BC framework, with supporting policies, methodologies, templates, guideline manuals, training and exercising. Key tasks included:

  • Supply chain risks were identified and mitigated
  • Business continuity was aligned with internationally accepted standards, (ISO 22301 and NFPA 1600)
  • Polices and Methodologies were developed
  • Templates for business impact analysis, risk assessments, strategy selection BC plans were designed and piloted
  • Provided training to management teams at site level and international supply chain
  • Provided project management of BC implementation across all manufacturing sites
  • Undertook ongoing testing and exercising of BC plans and supporting contingencies
  • Delivered quarterly and annual progress reporting to the Global Senior Management Team

Business continuity was embedded as a core management process and as a design and operations requirement for global manufacturing and supply.

Case Studies

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