
Case Study 3

About Clients:
Our clients have significant operations in countries such as Libya, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Sudan. These operations involve the deployment of personnel and development of infrastructure in challenging environments.

Our Tasks:
RMI’s tasks ranged from undertaking threat analysis prior to deployment to on-the-ground security of work parties as operations were initiated. We have implemented security controls, contingency plans and crisis response structures for client management and personnel.

What We’ve Done:
We have undertaken on-the-ground risk assessments and liaised with security agencies prior to deployment. As operations are developed and initiated we have provided security overview and undertaken contingency management programmes. As part of these projects RMI has:

  • Completed location-specific Threat Analysis and Risk Assessments
  • Provided on-the-ground security team cover to personnel
  • Developed and implement security structures for work sites and residences
  • Implemented contingency arrangements for medical, natural catastrophe and security evacuation
  • Provided 24 hour hot line response services enabling rapid response
  • Provided personnel security awareness and response training and related testing

Client operations in potentially challenging environments have been secured with critical contingencies put in place to enable rapid and practical responses.

Case Studies

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