
Case Study 2

About Client:
A major utility provider with interconnected critical national infrastructure, (CNI), sites in adjoining EU states.

Our Task:
RMI’s task was to develop and oversee the implementation of an integrated security design so that all sites had comprehensive physical and technical security. The project also required the identification of management and response organisations, including the development of response procedures and contingency plans.

What We’ve Done:
We developed a Security Design commensurate with the value of the assets and associated threats. The design was aligned to relevant international standards. As part of the project RMI:

  • Completed state-specific Threat Analysis and Risk Assessments
  • Developed Operational Requirements and associated Specifications
  • Oversaw Tendering and Selection process of security installation
  • Supported Factory Acceptance Testing of key security systems
  • Provided Continuous Review of project deliverables and timelines
  • Managed Site Acceptance Testing of security systems
  • Developed Security Policies, Contingency Plans and Response Procedures
  • Provided Ongoing Assessment of Security Maintenance and Response Providers

All sites were commissioned within schedule and have state-of-art technical and physical security. Furthermore, these critical national infrastructure sites have been supported by ongoing assessment by RMI on behalf of the client so that these assets are secure against current threats and related risks.

Case Studies

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