
Investigation Services

Due Diligence

When assessing a potential business partner, considering an executive or board appointment, contemplating a merger or acquisition or assessing a loan applicant RMI’s independent research into the background of companies and individuals greatly assists the decision making process.

Increasingly Money Laundering Legislation; FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practises Act) and the UK Bribery Act require effective due diligence on third party entities, agents and supply chain partners.

Whether information is required as a part of a wider legal and financial due diligence, drive by legislative requirements or focused specifically around operational and reputational risks, RMI’s clients benefit from decisive intelligence and background information that is legally and ethically obtained and tailored to their requirements.

Corporate Investigations

When an organisation discovers or suspects wrongdoing, its first priority is to establish precisely what has taken place and to safely and legally gather reliable evidence to allow it to make valid decisions.

We assist clients to manage issues that arise in business and at all times we are sensitive to legal and regulatory provisions and reputational concerns including data protection, privacy and employment law.

RMI is licenced by the Private Security Authority as a “Private Investigator”. [Licence Number 06282]

RMI provides knowledgeable, practical assistance needed with case management, liaison with Police, regulatory and other State agencies, evidence gathering, witness identification, interviewing and when necessary preparation for court.

Asset Tracing & Recovery

RMI provides a comprehensive Asset Tracing and Recovery service to many financial institutions and individuals internationally.  Working with lawyers and insolvency practitioners our specialists work thoroughly, methodically and use all legal methods to identify assets and track their location.

Background Searches

Whether it is assessing a potential business partner or contemplating a merger or acquisition, RMI’s independent research into the background of companies and individuals assists the decision making process.

RMI’s clients have benefited from decisive intelligence and background information on potential acquisitions, joint venture partners, executive hires and loan applicants.

Litigation Support

RMI works closely with legal firms and client senior management to develop an investigative plan to support a litigation strategy, whether it is evidence required to support a legal position or for leverage against opponents.

Key supports include:

  • identification and interpretation of facts
  • tracing and interviewing witnesses, confidential sources and suspects
  • undertaking digital forensics to identify relevant electronic data contained in PCs, laptops, phones, cameras and other devices, including that which has been deleted.
  • identifying and tracing assets
  • service of documents

Digital Forensics

In an increasingly digitalised and interconnected world, practically every crime or misdemeanor involves a PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet, camera or other digital device. Digital investigations invariably are part of a broader investigative and legal strategy and the ability to undertake digital forensics so as to evaluate transactions and records; and to undercover, interpret and establish facts around what actually took place, is fundamental to investigations.

Where criminal investigation by the authorities is a possible or likely outcome of any internal investigation, it is critical that the internal investigation does not interfere with admissibility of evidence in Court.

RMI’s Digital forensics offering is provided by highly qualified specialists.

Our Services

  • Investigate
    • Due Diligence
    • Corporate Investigations
    • Asset Tracing & Recovery
    • Background Searches
    • Litigation Support
    • Digital Forensics
  • Prepare
  • Protect
  • Respond
  • Pen Test

Request an Appointment

Contact RMI for a confidential consultation about your investigation requirements.